Category Archives: Wondering……

What would you do?

A woman pushing a baby carriage and trying to keep control of a 5 year old is desperately trying to cross a street to get to her car……

What would you do with it???

Walking down the street you find a wallet, with all the ID documents in it, Insurance Cards, etc. and a lot of money!  Looks like the wallet owner just got paid as there is a bank receipt in there too.  The ID documents show it belongs to someone living not too far from where you live.  Also you have a phone number for them.  Then again, you’re almost to the candy store and the mall where that shirt you really want but didn’t have the money for is on sale!  Hmm, I wonder what you will do???

What would you do?

The “cool kids” from school are asking you to join them in laughing at and taunting the funny looking kid with a limp on his way home.  You have a choice:  Be with the “cool kids” and make fun of another or decline to bully the little boy, be ignored by the “cool kids” and be an asset to your school, community and mom.  She will be so proud of you.  But you won’t be a “cool kid”!  Ask yourself – who is more important in your life?  MOM who has been good to you all your life and will always  or some guys who care nothing about you and will drop you when they don’t need you anymore?  hmmmm….


What should I do if I see an elderly man or woman timidly and hesitant in trying to cross a busy street?  What would make my mother proud?




Why do we wait till the day after Thanksgiving to put up the tree?  When is everyone putting up their Christmas Tree?  I say we do it at Halloween!!!!

“When I was your age….”


ma-and-pa-teenyHey young-uns:

When I was growin’ up, we didn’t know anything about a “cell phone”.  In fact we barely had a house phone.  Back then you had to apply for a phone through the phone company then go down to the phone company and pick up your phone – a big giant rotate dial phone.  IT had a long coily cord that attached the hand set to the actual phone.  Then the phone had a long cord that attached to the wall outlet.  No such thing as walking and talking, if you had to get somebody on the phone after you left the house you had to search for a “pay phone booth” and hope the person you wanted to reach was at home next to the house phone.

Ahh, the germs, the inconvenience – rotary-phone-ant memories……

I Wonder……

HMMMM small antWhat would I do with $1 Million Dollars???

Valentine’s Day 2016



Valentine Irving 2016

Hello folks!

This Sunday is Valentine’s day.  I wonder – is it ok to not only include your significant others’, but also specific loved ones too?  You think about that one and get back to me by Saturday night – take care!




What have you done to make yourself, your mother or your community a nicer place lately???

Hmmmmm…..$10BILLION ???!!!

Granny and Oldtimer cropHowdy Yawl!!!!

Did you hear that our boss’s are looking to invest $10billion on driverless cars?  $10 BILLION DOLLARS???!!!???!!!  OK, let’s see here – if you were “boss” and had $10Billion dollars to work with – how would you spend it to make our country nicer today for a nicer tomorrow?  Let’s hear from ya!!


The COLD!!! The Wind Chill!! The Agony!!! (and STILL no snow!)


Hey Everybody!

Where you are – is it snowing?  Where I am (EAST) it is FREEZING, but there is no snow!  I can remember years past when we got near blizzard conditions and state emergencies because of the snow and ice.  What about where you are?  Is it snowing?  Can you remember the biggest or worst snow storm you ever had?  I am a little fuzzy on the year, but I remember 30″ of snow – ah, memories…

Let it snow ants