Monthly Archives: July 2019

You stay strong!

Watch this before you think about joining in on that prank :(


Food for thought:

I heard this saying in a movie a long, long time ago.  I still ponder on the meaning of it and how powerful the meaning probably is:

“Sometimes people look at you the same way you look at them.”

Happy Monday! :)

To start the week, let’s go over what we need to make sure we do to have the best week ever:

Smile, say thank you, hold the door open for the person behind you, don’t hang out on the corner with the other ants laughing at people, don’t bully smaller ants, don’t steal, help the older ant with her bags, be home before dark, respect your elders, eat your broccoli, brush your teeth before bed, etc.  Simply put:





Another example of what kindness can do… :)

Riddle me this:

You are riding your bike, driving your car down the street.  For whatever reason you take your eyes off the road for a second.  When you look back up, you immediately hit a mailbox post in the front yard of a house.  You don’t see anyone around, the accident was kind of quiet, you can just drive away and no on would be the wiser.  So, what do you do?

I am still learning too!

We should ALWAYS be there for our loved ones, our friends, and cherish these connections, these ANGELS while we can.  How sad it will be if we brush these blessings off only to live with regret, shame and sorry if these ANGELS have to leave us, and we didn’t show the love, respect or appreciation these ANGELS deserved.  Before it’s too late – MAKE IT RIGHT, THANK THE LORD FOR YOUR ANGELS, and ALWAYS RESPECT how lucky you are to be Blessed with God’s ANGELS.  These Angels do not only include the ones who have left us to be with God in Heaven.  ANGELS are all around.  I pray we all understand, and always remember: