Category Archives: Makin’ a Momma Proud!

Look before you Leap!

THINK HARD before you act and ask yourself “will this make my Mom proud of the Ant she brought into this word”?? “Will this result in me ruining my life and hurting another or going to jail”?? You should only worry about impressing the people who raised you to what you are now and the people who loved you through all the years you were growing up, not the people you just met who want you to prove anything to them. These people will cut and run when things go south. Your family and loved ones will always be there for you. And they taught you to be a good, law abiding, respectful, caring ant. Do right by them and you. :>)

Care for each other :)

Lend a loving hand. 🙂

Set goals!

Tomorrow, I will get more water in my system and pick up as much as possible in the computer room.  What will you set as a goal?

Monday, Monday!

The week begins and the planting begins “a-new”!!  The week will include a lot of smiling, saying excuse me, being polite, courteous, understanding and making mom proud.  Good luck to all, enjoy!  🙂

Happy Monday! :)

To start the week, let’s go over what we need to make sure we do to have the best week ever:

Smile, say thank you, hold the door open for the person behind you, don’t hang out on the corner with the other ants laughing at people, don’t bully smaller ants, don’t steal, help the older ant with her bags, be home before dark, respect your elders, eat your broccoli, brush your teeth before bed, etc.  Simply put:


How great is this?

What would make your mama proud???

You are walking home and you see a little girl fall off her bike.  She has scraped her knee and is crying.  What would you do?

Make a mama proud MONDAY!

To start of this week, we will promise to do our best in helping to make Mom proud every day this week!  Hold the door open for the person behind you, don’t litter, study hard at school, stand in line patiently and wait your turn, etc.  It’s not hard, and worth it to see the smile on Mom’s face!  She can walk down the street knowing she raised a good one!

Monday makin Mom proud!

Assignment today – report back with at least 2 things you did to make your Mom proud.  You can do it – now go!

You would say….. :)

If you could speak to a school auditorium full of our young people, but only get one sentence out to them, what would you say?  I know what I would say!:    

“Always make your Mother proud of you” 

Such caring young men! :)
