Monthly Archives: November 2019



You know what?

We are all OK.  No matter what anyone says, you are OK.  Now go spread that OK everywhere you go, to everyone you meet. 🙂


Set goals!

Tomorrow, I will get more water in my system and pick up as much as possible in the computer room.  What will you set as a goal?

:) Help each other!

Crack this one!

Can we do this every day?

Make at least 1 goal when you wake up, and make sure it happens!  Wash the dishes, walk around the block, clean the bathroom, get a carton of milk from the store.  Aim for at least 1 and make it happen – you can do it!

Amen. :)

Try not to judge, it ain’t right!


Tomorrow wake up and aim to make it a GREAT day by assuring you remember how lucky you are to be alive, how thankful you are that you have a great family, and how nice and respectful you can be to those around you.  Smile! 🙂

I’m Back!

Hello Friends – I am having to take breaks for personal reasons and hope you will bare with me!  I will try my best to get post up daily and I thank you for your support 🙂