Welcome to

SLW waving no lines

Hey Everybody!

Sheila Ant here to let you know that a GREAT DAY is out there waiting for you.  I am going to try to put something up here every day (well, as much as I can!) that you can take with you when you go out into the world that will hopefully make you happy, make you smile, make you think, motivate you, whatever.  If we all just remember that this world we live in can be the very nice place we really want it to be if we all just do our parts to help it get there.  Maybe we can all help by aiming for the best possible today and tomorrow for ourselves, our communities, our kids, and our future.

So wake up, read a post, contemplate on it a few minutes – kiss your loved ones, dance a little jig, then go out there and make it the nicest day possible – (after you brush your teeth, of course…)

Sheila Ant

p.s.  Set your view at 125% until i get this header cropped correctly!