Category Archives: ANTEATERS…….-RUN-!!!



Today we are going to talk about respect, consideration, and doing the right thing.  You see these onion rings?  Well believe it or not a popular fast food chain actually served us this mess.  Now I wonder  If you pull this burnt, greasy, mangled, disgusting mess out of a fryer – be it at home or as a worker in a restaurant – what would you do?

1. See it and decide it looks ok as far as you are concerned.  After all, you made it and you are the best!  This is how I want to represent myself!


2.  See it and decide it is absolutely nothing you would want anyone to connect you with and think that you are so disrespectful and show no concern for others that you would actually reason that it is ok to serve this to others and you stand by it’s quality.  After all, you made it and you are the best!  This is how I want to represent myself!


Ants Running from Anteater

Throwing bricks from a highway overpass???


Two teens from NY were caught and arrested after throwing bricks and cinder blocks from an overpass into traffic below.  The bricks hit a car windshield and the driver in the shoulder causing physical injury and apx. $1,500 in damage to his car.  Additionally, shards of that glass hit another driver in her eye, permanently damaging her cornea.  The bricks also hit yet another car causing apx. $5,000 in damage to the car.  No one was injured in that incident.  If this is actually true:

Explain the wrong then what the right would be in this scenario!