Category Archives: It takes a Colony…



Another example of what kindness can do… :)

Riddle me this:

You are riding your bike, driving your car down the street.  For whatever reason you take your eyes off the road for a second.  When you look back up, you immediately hit a mailbox post in the front yard of a house.  You don’t see anyone around, the accident was kind of quiet, you can just drive away and no on would be the wiser.  So, what do you do?


We don’t need any of this – we know better!

RUN from this kind of thing that is wrong!  A true ANT-EATER!!  You are better than this!!!


Happy Mother’s Day!

Together we can’t lose!

If we all help each other…. :)


Show em! It ain’t all bad!

Teach our young ones that not all people are bad people.  Some of us DO care 🙂


Hug your brothers! Hug your sisters! :)

Sisters, Brothers, friends, relations, community –  we should all love each other!


Keep it coming – be kind to all ! :)


This is the heartwarming moment that a caring cop picks up an injured poodle puppy on a busy motorway in the central Mexican state of Guanajuato and takes it to a vet in his patrol car  (