Category Archives: It takes a Colony…

Can we save ourselves?


How hard can giving RESPECT be?






Another Hero!

Happy Friday, have a great weekend, be KIND to all, ALWAYS make your mom proud, and never forget:  YOU ROCK!!!!


Can we say “HEROs”?

ALWAYS be kind, maybe put a little extra in today! :)

NOW HEAR THIS!!!! please? :)

We need more of this from each other – thank you Temar! (and Shayla!)

Newborn Baby? start saving NOW!!!

Will Mom be proud?

You are at the store getting a loaf of bread for Mom.  As you leave the store a Sr Citizen walking and limping slowly up to the store with a cane is slowly approaching the same doors you are leaving the store with.  You can either wait and hold the door for the Sr. or you can just let the door close behind you, ignore the Sr. and go about your business.

Which choice would make your Mom proudest ya think?

We will never forget…


Hello folks!  Listen, I am really considering closing shop and my less than constant or every once in  while posts as I am wondering – is anyone out there?  I will leave it up to this:  At least 3 comments.  If I get the three showing that someone is out there, I will be more comfortable in continuing my posts daily – THANKS!!!