Category Archives: It takes a Colony…

Puzzle me this:

Homeless Helper Ant!

Can we all be compassionate today and take it into tomorrow?  I think we can!

Well on our way to A NICE TOMORROW… :)

Are we are STILL dealing with BULLYING? REALLY????




Look at how destroyed this boy is.  Over a bully. A BULLY!!  Take a good hard look at what a bully has done to another human being.


Our mother’s and father’s sacrificed, saved, cared for us and certainly deserve better than this – a child who goes around judging, teasing and beating up others for no other reason than to pump themselves up.

So you go on bully, you go on and enjoy disappointing the folks who deserved better after they practically gave their life up to raise a good, caring, compassionate asset to society only to see the life they gave up for themselves to give you a good life flushed down the drain.  Oh yeah, I forgot!  Celebrate how you are now being looked at by others as a bully, a bad person, a disappointment to your family, and on a fast track to your future not ending well.   It’s great to be a low down bum isn’t it?   Happy with yourself and knowing  you are no better than this?  Congratulations.  Hope you have fun watching your mother cry over your foolishness, certainly she doesn’t deserve better from you, right?  smh……  🙁


BREAKING NEWS – “DEB ANT”meets Sheila Ant for lunch yesterday!!!

Sheila Ant reports on what a great time she had and what a great person, friend and newest member to our colony that Deb Ant is.  🙂

Texas Church Shooting 11/5/2017


NYC Terror Attack 10/31/2017


WOOOOOOO,  HHHHOooooOOOOwwwWWWELL – betcha’ can’t get out!!!

It’s called RESPECT!!!!

Las Vegas NV 10/1/17 :(

Now THAT’s what I’m talkin bout!!!!!

FARMIN FOR OUR FUTURE!!!! – woo hoo!!!!