Category Archives: ***Ant Inspiration***

A billion dollars!!!

Happy NewYear antpants

Hi All!  The Powerball drawing is at over a BILLION dollars!  Wow – can you imagine if you won all that money?  Tell me – what would you do with it if you were handed $1.4 Billion dollars?  Would you take care of your family?  Put it in the Bank?  Your community?  Any charity?  Buy an island?  – let’s hear how you would spend the money!

So, what can I do to make today super nice?


Wondering Ant

Let’s see here – I want to do something to make it a nice today for my Mom Ant, my friend Ants, myself and the rest of my colony.  Hmmmm – I think I will ________________________________________.

Let’s hear from you – what ya gonna do???

Throwing bricks from a highway overpass???


Two teens from NY were caught and arrested after throwing bricks and cinder blocks from an overpass into traffic below.  The bricks hit a car windshield and the driver in the shoulder causing physical injury and apx. $1,500 in damage to his car.  Additionally, shards of that glass hit another driver in her eye, permanently damaging her cornea.  The bricks also hit yet another car causing apx. $5,000 in damage to the car.  No one was injured in that incident.  If this is actually true:

Explain the wrong then what the right would be in this scenario!


2016-What you gonna do?


Hello all!

Well, it is a new year with new opportunity for all.  So saying, what do you have planned for this year?  A new diet?  A promise to stop biting your nails?  Attend church every Sunday?  Stop judging so much?  Be more patient?

Let’s hear it from you – what you gonna do in 2016??


January 1, 2016


Happy NewYear antpants

When I was your age….

Granny and Oldtimer cropHey young-uns:

I thought it a good idea to start writing little notes about something we remember from back in the day.  Feel free to offer your thoughts for publishing too!

“When I was your age, did you know we didn’t have microwave ovens?  I remember when I wanted a chicken pot pie I had to wait 45 minutes for it to fully cook in our big oven.  It seems like forever we had to wait compared to now when it takes about 5 minutes in the microwave.  Makes me wonder what our future holds in that area – ya think there will be a way to snap your fingers for your food to be hot and ready?”

Sugar bowl dreams,

Granny Anty & Oldtimer Ant



From the entire Antpant’s colony: Christmas 2015

Happy Holiday antpantsBe good to each other, thankful, happy, humble, helpful-and hungry!

Farmin’ for our Future – Barber & free haircuts to straight A student

newspaper barber straight a


This Barber is truly “farmin’ for our future” – helping to “dig-out” our  nicer tomorrow!

(ok corny maybe, but we all need more of this!)
ABC NEWS By MEGAN SPINELLI     Nov 25, 2015, 2:08 PM ET
Hard work pays off, and for a North Carolina fourth grader, it’s paying off in the form of free haircuts for life.
Kamarian Fox, 9, went to barber Mike Shelton at Next Level Barbershop in Gastonia, N.C., for the first time in August, right before starting the fourth grade, Shelton told ABC News today. After the two started talking, Shelton made Fox a promise: free haircuts for life if Fox earned good grades on his first report card.
“I could really tell he was a bright kid, excited about school and motivated,” Shelton said. “And I just said ‘Look, I’ll make you a deal.'”
On Nov. 16, Fox delivered, showing Shelton his straight-A report card.
“I opened it up, and before I could even read it, he said, ‘I’m here for my free haircut,'” Shelton said. “I was super pumped.”
Shelton held up his end of the deal and let Fox cut the line that day to get his free haircut. Shelton said he plans on cutting Fox’s hair every week.
Shelton told Fox, “As long as you keep your grades right, I will keep you looking right,” he said, adding that Fox is a “superstar” who lights up the barber shop whenever he goes in.
The proud barber, who Fox now calls “Uncle Mike,” hopes he can motivate other kids to do well in school.
“You never know, you can be that spark on one young person’s life,” Shelton said. “He could be the next president. He could be the person that changes the world.”
Another person proud of Fox is his mother Cameron Fox, who told ABC News today that as a single mother, she appreciates Shelton acting like an uncle and a father figure to her son.
“I just appreciate his open arms and making us feel welcome, and giving Kamarian something to look forward to,” she said. “It’s just awesome.”

:O) – thank you Mr. Shelton!






To my immediate colony and my extended colony:

You all know who you are – my SYG babies, my BLT, PRENET, Cracklin Rosie, etc.  – give yourselves a shout out and get on board!  Love you all –

Ant Me (c/o IRVING Ant)cropped-IRVING-the-ANT-mascott-pic.jpg

Nice today, nice tomorrow?

Slide1Slide1Hey there :O) !!!

– Let me explain what is going on here.  This site is a go-to for anyone out there who needs an uplift of sorts.  My days are sometimes filled with dread and worry over my kids and what they will encounter in their future as a result of the current issues we are facing in the world.  I mean, look at it.  When you were young how different was it then compared to now?  When I think about my youth, my world, my dreams of growing up, the people in my community, my future – and compare then to what it is like now, oh boy….

So, let’s just think about this for a while.  What can we do to make any kind of difference to enrich today, tomorrow and maybe uplift anyone who is on a fence?  We can add some thoughts, some advice, some scenarios, recipes, suggestions, jokes, ANYTHING that will make someone’s day, week, year or lifetime.  I know, I may be pushing it.  But looking at what is out there on the internet and wanting to provide some sort of outlet for folks to surf and maybe relieve some boredom, pick up some advice, shop, ask questions, etc.  I couldn’t resist.

Now this isn’t just a “po pitiful me” kind of place – I am aiming to get numerous pages, post, blogs etc. set up on for fun, focus and a hiding place to those of us who can’t read another gossip website.

In closing, please bear with me on this one as I have a way to go in getting this first blog up and running.  I am hoping not to make many mistakes – and I am more than welcome to anyone offering advice.  Enjoy your surf, enjoy your day, good luck to you.    (Watch out for anteaters…)

♥Ant Me