Category Archives: ***Ant Inspiration***

Monday Message:

Make it a great day, a great week, make mama proud, be kind to others – and don’t forget:  YOU MATTER JUST AS MUCH AS THE REST OF US!  🙂




Bless us all, this day! :)


Show em! It ain’t all bad!

Teach our young ones that not all people are bad people.  Some of us DO care 🙂


Hug your brothers! Hug your sisters! :)

Sisters, Brothers, friends, relations, community –  we should all love each other!


Keep it coming – be kind to all ! :)


This is the heartwarming moment that a caring cop picks up an injured poodle puppy on a busy motorway in the central Mexican state of Guanajuato and takes it to a vet in his patrol car  (

Just when you thought we are all a hot mess, a little boy saves the day :)

Can we save ourselves?


How hard can giving RESPECT be?






Another Hero!

Happy Friday, have a great weekend, be KIND to all, ALWAYS make your mom proud, and never forget:  YOU ROCK!!!!


Can we say “HEROs”?

You can do anything, make anything happen, just believe you can :)