Monthly Archives: January 2016

The COLD!!! The Wind Chill!! The Agony!!! (and STILL no snow!)


Hey Everybody!

Where you are – is it snowing?  Where I am (EAST) it is FREEZING, but there is no snow!  I can remember years past when we got near blizzard conditions and state emergencies because of the snow and ice.  What about where you are?  Is it snowing?  Can you remember the biggest or worst snow storm you ever had?  I am a little fuzzy on the year, but I remember 30″ of snow – ah, memories…

Let it snow ants

Throwing bricks from a highway overpass???


Two teens from NY were caught and arrested after throwing bricks and cinder blocks from an overpass into traffic below.  The bricks hit a car windshield and the driver in the shoulder causing physical injury and apx. $1,500 in damage to his car.  Additionally, shards of that glass hit another driver in her eye, permanently damaging her cornea.  The bricks also hit yet another car causing apx. $5,000 in damage to the car.  No one was injured in that incident.  If this is actually true:

Explain the wrong then what the right would be in this scenario!


2016-What you gonna do?


Hello all!

Well, it is a new year with new opportunity for all.  So saying, what do you have planned for this year?  A new diet?  A promise to stop biting your nails?  Attend church every Sunday?  Stop judging so much?  Be more patient?

Let’s hear it from you – what you gonna do in 2016??


Meet the colony – Robyn & Jade


Robin & jade ant good

These two are wonderful additions to the colony.  Fun, kind, full of life plus they have the best”fluff balls” to play with!



January 1, 2016


Happy NewYear antpants