Food for thought… :)

Do you find yourself being mean, angry, disrespectful, and just plain hateful to others a lot of the time?  Could it be because there is something going on in your mind, a memory of the past,  memory of how you were put upon badly, abused, treated mean, angry, disrespectful and hated? Could it be that you treat others this way because you haven’t made peace with your monsters from the past?  Could it be that you are still in pain about your past and you make it your mission in life to see to it that you can find anyone to put that same hurt, pain, heartbreak and disappointment on?  Ya think?   Friends, let me say this.  We all have these same skeletons in our closet to some extent.  If we are lucky we learn to make peace with the past and not let it ruin our future.  Being angry, disrespectful, mean and hateful is not only a bad to turn you into the same monsters and memories you are running away from, it is also no way to live.  Life is meant to be happy, enjoyable and fulfilling.  And Life is short.  The memory hurt and betrayals of the past may never be something you can forgive or forget, but it surely can be packed away and “accidentally” lost in the move.  You can stop and count to 10 before you lose yourself to the past and take it out on others.  You are better than this and deserve a good life.  Don’t let the past ruin your future.  Live to be happy fulfilled and get all the enjoyment out of your short time on this earth as you can.  Let go of the bad and let the good move in to your heart.  I am sure there is PLENTY of room in there!