Best Christmas gifts given/received 2015?

Hey! – if anyone is as tired out from this Christmas as I am, feel free to take a long, relaxing nap for the next 10 hours!  My Holiday was just great.  My favorite gift was from my Bacon who gave me a little stuffed perfectly copied finger puppet of “Grover” from Sesame Street.  I love it!  My favorite gift given was to my kids – HOVERBOARDS!!!  I give them all the respect in the world as they can get on them without falling off and ride them, balanced.  They seem to really love their boards, and the love & satisfaction I got from them, seeing their happiness  was all I hoped it would be.
Enough about me and my colony – what did you get best and what did you give best?  Let’s hear from you!!
p.s. How great is Christmas???  :o)