Christmas 2015!!!

Hey yall!

Lookin forward to next week and all the food, gifts, laughter, etc. that comes with Christmas.  So we can all sit, remember, forget, keep busy and free of boredom – Let me know your thoughts on the Holiday – Wondering:

  1.  What are we looking for most in our stockings?
  2. Any suggestions on best way to cook Turkey?  (mine is ALWAYS too dry!)
  3. If you had just 1 Christmas wish, what would it be?
  4. Did you over-spend yet again this year (I know I did!)
  5. What is your favorite Christmas song?
  6. What Christmas song do you hate the most?
  7. What is your favorite Christmas treat?
  8. Do you have artificial or real Christmas tree?
  9. How much do you hate that those sticky bows never stay stuck to a gift?
  10. Lets hear some good old traditional things you and yours may do for the Holiday
  11. :O)
