Make it a GREAT week – starting today!!!

Lets see………HMMMM………………AH HA!!!  We can set goals for the week!  Something like this:

MONDAY –  Make sure at least 1 piece of fruit and 1 serving of a green vegetable is included in my diet every day this week!

TUESDAY –  Make sure I say “HI” to everyone I walk by today!

WEDNESDAY – Make sure I hold a door open for at least one person today!

THURSDAY – Make sure I go visit or at least call a loved one today!

FRIDAY – Make sure I celebrate the end of the week, pat myself on the back for my completion of goals set, and start off the coming weekend and maybe grab a burger, fries and soda to prepare!!!  

SATURDAY and SUNDAY – Family, Fun, Rest, Cookout, Shop, etc. – be thankful that you can set goals, achieve them, then aim higher and higher!!!  🙂