Good people in action. :)

Love and care for each other 🙂

How keen is your sight to find the odd one out???

For the good of us all…..

Wear your mask and distance from others 🙂

Ant’s rule!!

Sometimes, you aren’t as bad off as you think you are –

Do you know how truly lucky you are?

I am posting this because of how blessed I felt truly experiencing how lucky I really am, my suggestion is you do the same – it will shake you to the core and warm your heart
I went outside this morning to put some mail out for pick up and it was COLD and RAINING. All I had on was an old T shirt I sleep in and a pair of shorts, and slippers. As I turned to go back in it hit me like a bolt of lightning – I can shelter from this cold, rainy, bad weather into a warm home with breakfast waiting. The poor, hungry and homeless have to live in this terrible weather, no food, no money, nothing. I felt how it must feel to not have a warm home to shelter in. I stood out in the cold rain and almost cried thinking of not having someplace to go, something to eat. Try it. Go out the front door in very little clothing and as you are standing in this mess of cold and rain, think about not having a house behind you to escape the weather. Think about not having that cup of coffee or that bagel waiting for you. See?

We have absolutely nothing to complain about.

God Bless Us All

How cute is this fight?

Two mice fighting over food found in a Subway in England.  :)



You know what?

We are all OK.  No matter what anyone says, you are OK.  Now go spread that OK everywhere you go, to everyone you meet. 🙂


Set goals!

Tomorrow, I will get more water in my system and pick up as much as possible in the computer room.  What will you set as a goal?

:) Help each other!

Crack this one!