Teach me Tuesday!

OK, you are walking home from the store.  You are close to home and see a neighbor on your street struggling to get a large piece of a fallen tree to his curb for pick up..???



Monday, Monday!

The week begins and the planting begins “a-new”!!  The week will include a lot of smiling, saying excuse me, being polite, courteous, understanding and making mom proud.  Good luck to all, enjoy!  🙂

SUNDAY – make it a GREAT DAY!

Walk the dog, play with your little brother, cook out, ice cream parlor needs visiting, Mom and Dad would love you to stop by too!  Make sure you take time to rest up, remember family, and thank the Lord you are here to enjoy this beautiful day! 

You stay strong!

Watch this before you think about joining in on that prank :(


Food for thought:

I heard this saying in a movie a long, long time ago.  I still ponder on the meaning of it and how powerful the meaning probably is:

“Sometimes people look at you the same way you look at them.”

Happy Monday! :)

To start the week, let’s go over what we need to make sure we do to have the best week ever:

Smile, say thank you, hold the door open for the person behind you, don’t hang out on the corner with the other ants laughing at people, don’t bully smaller ants, don’t steal, help the older ant with her bags, be home before dark, respect your elders, eat your broccoli, brush your teeth before bed, etc.  Simply put:





Another example of what kindness can do… :)