Just when you thought we are all a hot mess, a little boy saves the day :)

An excuse to eat junk at any time today!!

I know what I’M having for dinner tonight!!!


Can we save ourselves?


Happy Friday friends! See you next week :)

How hard can giving RESPECT be?






Another Hero!

Happy Friday, have a great weekend, be KIND to all, ALWAYS make your mom proud, and never forget:  YOU ROCK!!!!


Can we say “HEROs”?

You can do anything, make anything happen, just believe you can :)


What would you do with it???

Walking down the street you find a wallet, with all the ID documents in it, Insurance Cards, etc. and a lot of money!  Looks like the wallet owner just got paid as there is a bank receipt in there too.  The ID documents show it belongs to someone living not too far from where you live.  Also you have a phone number for them.  Then again, you’re almost to the candy store and the mall where that shirt you really want but didn’t have the money for is on sale!  Hmm, I wonder what you will do???

Monday makin Mom proud!

Assignment today – report back with at least 2 things you did to make your Mom proud.  You can do it – now go!

You would say….. :)

If you could speak to a school auditorium full of our young people, but only get one sentence out to them, what would you say?  I know what I would say!:    

“Always make your Mother proud of you”