Thanksgiving 2017-3 weekdays to go!

November 20, 2017 – I am thankful for a roof over my head, food in my stomach, clothes on my back, my health, clean water to drink, and the opportunity to go out there and make a difference.


Thanksgiving 2017 – 4 weekdays to go!

November 17, 2017 – I am thankful for the everlasting memory of my Mother Louise Walker and Sister Sharon Ward, the honor of having them in my life, learning so much from them, admiring and wishing to be just like them.  I will forever love them both.  Heaven’s gain. 

Thanksgiving 2017 – 5 weekdays to go!

November 16, 2017:

I am thankful for my wonderful family, my great friends too.

We can learn to LOVE instead!

Texas Church Shooting 11/5/2017



    Inspired by & dedicated to Leechy Ant & all you little crawlys-enjoy your weekend!!!

We’ll be ok!

Remember who loves you, who you want to make proud, and how fabulous you really are.  You will be FINE!!!!

NYC Terror Attack 10/31/2017


WOOOOOOO,  HHHHOooooOOOOwwwWWWELL – betcha’ can’t get out!!!

Respectfully, TGIF!!!!


We all deserve respect – remember to treat others the way you would want to be treated.