It’s called RESPECT!!!!

Would your Mom be proud if you didn’t know better than this?


Quote for Growth :)

New to the Colony: ANT DOT!!!

So helpful, kind and caring!  Not to mention she makes the best biscuits this side of the Delaware!!  We wouldn’t be the strong colony we are without her –  we love her and thank the Lord for putting her in our life ;p

Las Vegas NV 10/1/17 :(


Take this puzzle with you, we can confirm answers on Monday-have a great weekend!!!

Now THAT’s what I’m talkin bout!!!!!

FARMIN FOR OUR FUTURE!!!! – woo hoo!!!!


Quote for Growth



So much going on with my Ant Colony and the need to take care of it – I will do my best to get posts up here as much as I can – Have a GREAT day!!!

It takes a VILLAGE…..

Mr. Harvey:  WE ARE ONE!!!!

Harvey, TX USA August, 2017