Troop Trivia:

HMMMM antOK Gang – answer me this:

True or False (extra credit if you put down the correct answers for any false!):

  1. There are more CHICKENS on the earth than people.
  2. America’s favorite cheese is CHEDDAR.
  3. 1″ of  RAIN is in 10″ of SNOW.
  4. Columbus finds the new world in 1249.
  5. Lemons, Brocolli, Dark Chocolate, Potatoes, Salmon, Walnuts, Avacodo, Garlic, Spinach and Greens – these are 10 of the WORST foods for your health on earth.




What have you done to make yourself, your mother or your community a nicer place lately???

MEET THE COLONY: (Isn’t she great?? Huh??)

Leechy no leechHi Everybody!

On a glorious Sunday morning, I want you all to meet the magnificent, creative, talented, funny and best artist in the world – my youngest – LEECHY!  She rocks!  And she is almost genious in creating art – murials, landscapes, etc.  I love the confused, busy, un-uniform look of all she does and can’t wait till she finishes her work to see the final result.  I will keep you posted, but again, a giant HOWDY to my LEECHY!!!

(btw – she hand drew the picture she is standing next too – ISN’T SHE GREAT!??!!)

Weekend Recreation!!!


Hi everybody!

Finally, the weekend is here!  Me? it means pizza, cheeseburger, ice cream, movies, bowling, pool, sleeping late, etc.  Tell me what are you gonna do this weekend?


Hmmmmm…..$10BILLION ???!!!

Granny and Oldtimer cropHowdy Yawl!!!!

Did you hear that our boss’s are looking to invest $10billion on driverless cars?  $10 BILLION DOLLARS???!!!???!!!  OK, let’s see here – if you were “boss” and had $10Billion dollars to work with – how would you spend it to make our country nicer today for a nicer tomorrow?  Let’s hear from ya!!


A billion dollars!!!

Happy NewYear antpants

Hi All!  The Powerball drawing is at over a BILLION dollars!  Wow – can you imagine if you won all that money?  Tell me – what would you do with it if you were handed $1.4 Billion dollars?  Would you take care of your family?  Put it in the Bank?  Your community?  Any charity?  Buy an island?  – let’s hear how you would spend the money!

So, what can I do to make today super nice?


Wondering Ant

Let’s see here – I want to do something to make it a nice today for my Mom Ant, my friend Ants, myself and the rest of my colony.  Hmmmm – I think I will ________________________________________.

Let’s hear from you – what ya gonna do???

Troop Trivia:

Ant leading army

OK guys, about how many ants in a pound?  Good luck!

The COLD!!! The Wind Chill!! The Agony!!! (and STILL no snow!)


Hey Everybody!

Where you are – is it snowing?  Where I am (EAST) it is FREEZING, but there is no snow!  I can remember years past when we got near blizzard conditions and state emergencies because of the snow and ice.  What about where you are?  Is it snowing?  Can you remember the biggest or worst snow storm you ever had?  I am a little fuzzy on the year, but I remember 30″ of snow – ah, memories…

Let it snow ants

Throwing bricks from a highway overpass???


Two teens from NY were caught and arrested after throwing bricks and cinder blocks from an overpass into traffic below.  The bricks hit a car windshield and the driver in the shoulder causing physical injury and apx. $1,500 in damage to his car.  Additionally, shards of that glass hit another driver in her eye, permanently damaging her cornea.  The bricks also hit yet another car causing apx. $5,000 in damage to the car.  No one was injured in that incident.  If this is actually true:

Explain the wrong then what the right would be in this scenario!


2016-What you gonna do?


Hello all!

Well, it is a new year with new opportunity for all.  So saying, what do you have planned for this year?  A new diet?  A promise to stop biting your nails?  Attend church every Sunday?  Stop judging so much?  Be more patient?

Let’s hear it from you – what you gonna do in 2016??
