Meet the colony – Robyn & Jade


Robin & jade ant good

These two are wonderful additions to the colony.  Fun, kind, full of life plus they have the best”fluff balls” to play with!



January 1, 2016


Happy NewYear antpants

FYI – Meet Abe and Alexis Ant

ABE & ALEXIS ANTHello all !

I want you to meet two really cool kids I know from way back – say hello to Abe & Alexis.  They are happy, fun, smart, and true ANTPANT colony members.  Happy New Year!!!

Your turn – what do you want to add??

Farmer Ant good


What would you do if:

OK, you are walking your dog and you come across a bag behind some trees in a field.   You pick it up and open it to find 3 bundles of 50 wrapped $100 bills that total $15,000.00.  No one immediately knows it’s missing, no one will ever find out what ultimately happened to it, and it is found money free and clear to anyone who comes across it – as long as they keep quiet about it.  You are standing there with your dog and this bag of money.  You have a decision to make – what will you do???

Which way to go ANT

When I was your age….

Granny and Oldtimer cropHey young-uns:

I thought it a good idea to start writing little notes about something we remember from back in the day.  Feel free to offer your thoughts for publishing too!

“When I was your age, did you know we didn’t have microwave ovens?  I remember when I wanted a chicken pot pie I had to wait 45 minutes for it to fully cook in our big oven.  It seems like forever we had to wait compared to now when it takes about 5 minutes in the microwave.  Makes me wonder what our future holds in that area – ya think there will be a way to snap your fingers for your food to be hot and ready?”

Sugar bowl dreams,

Granny Anty & Oldtimer Ant



Best Christmas gifts given/received 2015?

Hey! – if anyone is as tired out from this Christmas as I am, feel free to take a long, relaxing nap for the next 10 hours!  My Holiday was just great.  My favorite gift was from my Bacon who gave me a little stuffed perfectly copied finger puppet of “Grover” from Sesame Street.  I love it!  My favorite gift given was to my kids – HOVERBOARDS!!!  I give them all the respect in the world as they can get on them without falling off and ride them, balanced.  They seem to really love their boards, and the love & satisfaction I got from them, seeing their happiness  was all I hoped it would be.
Enough about me and my colony – what did you get best and what did you give best?  Let’s hear from you!!
p.s. How great is Christmas???  :o)

From the entire Antpant’s colony: Christmas 2015

Happy Holiday antpantsBe good to each other, thankful, happy, humble, helpful-and hungry!

Farmin’ for our Future – Barber & free haircuts to straight A student

newspaper barber straight a


This Barber is truly “farmin’ for our future” – helping to “dig-out” our  nicer tomorrow!

(ok corny maybe, but we all need more of this!)
ABC NEWS By MEGAN SPINELLI     Nov 25, 2015, 2:08 PM ET
Hard work pays off, and for a North Carolina fourth grader, it’s paying off in the form of free haircuts for life.
Kamarian Fox, 9, went to barber Mike Shelton at Next Level Barbershop in Gastonia, N.C., for the first time in August, right before starting the fourth grade, Shelton told ABC News today. After the two started talking, Shelton made Fox a promise: free haircuts for life if Fox earned good grades on his first report card.
“I could really tell he was a bright kid, excited about school and motivated,” Shelton said. “And I just said ‘Look, I’ll make you a deal.'”
On Nov. 16, Fox delivered, showing Shelton his straight-A report card.
“I opened it up, and before I could even read it, he said, ‘I’m here for my free haircut,'” Shelton said. “I was super pumped.”
Shelton held up his end of the deal and let Fox cut the line that day to get his free haircut. Shelton said he plans on cutting Fox’s hair every week.
Shelton told Fox, “As long as you keep your grades right, I will keep you looking right,” he said, adding that Fox is a “superstar” who lights up the barber shop whenever he goes in.
The proud barber, who Fox now calls “Uncle Mike,” hopes he can motivate other kids to do well in school.
“You never know, you can be that spark on one young person’s life,” Shelton said. “He could be the next president. He could be the person that changes the world.”
Another person proud of Fox is his mother Cameron Fox, who told ABC News today that as a single mother, she appreciates Shelton acting like an uncle and a father figure to her son.
“I just appreciate his open arms and making us feel welcome, and giving Kamarian something to look forward to,” she said. “It’s just awesome.”

:O) – thank you Mr. Shelton!






Christmas countdown……4 days to go!

Hey there – Ok, I hope everyone is just about done their shopping and decorating.  For those still looking to finish, you better hurry it up!

Here at the colony, we are biding our time just relaxing and enjoying the season really.  So saying, lets all comment on this one:

“What are you up to, or what is your favorite “relax” or Christmas pastime if you are home and before the big day?”

(I ask this while sitting in front of a roaring fire, sipping hot chocolate….)


Ant Me

To my immediate colony and my extended colony:

You all know who you are – my SYG babies, my BLT, PRENET, Cracklin Rosie, etc.  – give yourselves a shout out and get on board!  Love you all –

Ant Me (c/o IRVING Ant)cropped-IRVING-the-ANT-mascott-pic.jpg